воскресенье, 11 января 2015 г.


N° IBAN e-banking : CH8700767000R51824615. IBAN CH87 0076 7000 R518 2461 5. BCVLCH2LKXX
Ref: 012/98 Date:_11.01.2015 Re:                                                                                                                                       Lausanne. Switzerland.

To the United Nation’s General Assembly
European Union Parliament


Preventing clash of civilizations from coming into being is feasible. It is in your hands!
It is pertinent to note here that the rise of fascism in Europe resulted in the death of more than 40 million people. Freedom of speech is one of the core values of democracy, but it is not the only constituting element of democracy. There are also other core elements which together with freedom of speech makes democracy complete. One of these elements is rule of law and unless rule of law prevails democracy is not protected.

First and foremost victims of fascism were Jews. Therefore, in order to curb recurrence of next Holocaust antisemitism has been outlawed. For mass annihilation of Jews by Nazi Germany, Germans are not held responsible as doing so will be nothing but a blunder. We have to bear in mind that an underlying factor which induced massacre of cartoonists, who mocked Islam’s sacered Prophet Muhammad, is lack of law on protecting one’s religious beliefs and values. This vile attack on Charlie Hebdo one more time proves the necessity of contemporary society for taking serious measures through legally banning ridiculing and defaming one’s religion and sacred values, mores and personalities.

We call upon UN and EU to engineer a legal framework for protecting one’s religious values and personalities from being ridiculed or defamed in the name of freedom of speech. We utterly believe that as racism against black people and Holocaust is curbed through implementing legal measures, massacre in the name of religion is also preventable only engineering and implementing legal framework against degrading and defaming one’s religious values, mores and sacred personalities. Otherwise, people who are deprived from legally protecting opportunity of their religious values, mores and personalities will undoubtedly seek illegal ways of protection, including terrorism and mass bloodshed in the name of religion.

Tel: 0041 78 943 73 11

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