среда, 18 января 2017 г.

Petition of Uzdemfundsuisse

                                          Petition of Uzdemfundsuisse

     The corruption in Uzbekistan and the role of President Islam Karimov’s family in this is still actual subject for the mass media.
The Uzbek party tries to hold the international investigation connected with Gulnara Karimova under their control.
And also distributes information that due to cooperation with the USA, all money lying on the frozen bank accounts, belonging to Gulnara Karimova will be returned soon.
Without being based on any agreement or proof, the information propagating that the stolen wealth from the Uzbek People will be returned back to thieves.
There is such opinion that dictatorship of Uzbekistan can find anything they wish worldwide.
There is a propaganda that upon USA and Switzerland goverment request, the political leaders of these two countries can return the frozen wealth to Uzbekistan.
For many years Gulnara Karimova and her collaborators illegally appropriated national wealth of Uzbekistan. All stolen is stored in the Western banks.
The press specifies that all these wealths were accumulated as a result of bribes from the telecommunication companies. But it is not correct.
It is known that interest of investigating authorities of Switzerland in a name Gulnara Karimova began with secret scandals in corporation Zeromax.
Shokhruh Sobirov and Alisher Ergashev were arrested in the bulding of Lombardie Odier bank in Geneva.
It was reported that at the request of Gulnara Karimova, the money, 800 million swiss Francs, which were on various accounts in the banks of Switzerland had to be cashed by these persons.
It is know that in the same bank, Gulnara Karimova rented the safe to keep the jewels.
It has to be proved that all wealth assigned to Gulnara Karimova is the bribes from tellecominication companies.
The leader of Uzdemfund suiss Sefar Bekjan is participating in the investigation conducts by Swiss main prosecutor's office.
Shokhruh Sobirov and Alisher Ergashev were detained on a crime scene in the Lombardie Odier bank in Geneva.
The crime is subject to discussion on a scene.Safar Bekjan, based on international law, demands participation Shokhruh Sobirov and Alisher Ergashev in a meeting in Geneva
During investigative process this requirement was given to lawyers of suspects in verbal and written forms. The suspects escape cannot be the basis to stop the investigation.
We inform the Uzbekistan society about the following:
Uzdemfund suisse and its leader Safar Bekjan continuing the struggle with all available legal ways,
İn order that Gulnara Karimova and her group will not be able to appropriate the Wealth which belong to Uzbek people

Information centre of Uzdemfundsuisse


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